
Willows Wept Review seeks writing that explores, celebrates, interrogates, and/or problematizes the relationship between human beings and the natural world.

Simultaneous Submissions
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify the editors as soon as possible if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

On rare occasion, we publish reprints of work that was published in a print journal at least one year ago. Please indicate the journal and all other relevant information, including the issue number and date, in your submission. We do not publish reprints of work published online. (We do not consider work included on personal websites to be “published online.”)

Response Times
Response times vary but are usually no longer than two months.

We do not accept submissions of work with evidence of partial or complete AI authorship. Although we recognize that the role of AI is complex, there remain significant questions about issues of copyright and responsibility associated with AI-generated materials, so we will automatically decline all work with evidence of partial or complete AI authorship.

When we publish work, we ask that writers grant us exclusive publication rights for forty-five days from the date of publication. After that, we ask for non-exclusive publication rights so that we can maintain an archive of our issues online and so that we can continue to sell back issues of the print version of the journal. We also ask for rights to include work in possible later Best of or Annual editions, either online or in print.

In all cases, we ask that writers acknowledge Willows Wept Review in the event that their work is later reprinted elsewhere.

If everything in the world worked the way we liked, we’d offer you truckloads of money upon publication of your work. Or we’d offer you a world in which truckloads of money didn’t matter. But things being what they are, we can’t offer you payment for your work. Only gratitude and admiration.

Ready to submit?
We’d love to see your work. Please visit our Duosuma site to send it our way.